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August 1, 2022            


Santa Barbara Strings is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our students, families and staff. Our experience of continuing in-person rehearsals for the last two years has helped us to understand best practices in minimizing risk. We are tremendously grateful for the cooperation and understanding from participating families for that last two years in abiding by our COVID-19 prevention procedures, making it possible for us to rehearse and perform in-person for the past two seasons.


For our 2022-2023 season, Strings will follow safety protocols as required by public health authorities.  Each week, we will require that families help their student perform self-screening prior to entering a rehearsal/performance space in accordance with California Department of Public Health guidelines.


This season, we plan to resume rehearsals at the lovely El Montecito Church property in spaces we have used previously. Students, educators and volunteers will not be required to wear masks indoors or outdoors. We note that public health authorities often strongly encourage masking indoors. Our Santa Barbara Strings family is understanding and inclusive and will honor any person’s choice to wear a mask.


Strings will comply with all mandatory public health orders from Santa Barbara County and the California state department of public health. The public health recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control, federal, state and local agencies are often confusing. Strings will implement those mandatory local and state protocols that apply. In keeping with our earlier practice, Strings will monitor all suggested safety protocols, or changes to protocols. Our decision to adopt voluntary protocols will be based on what is appropriate for our activities.


We prioritize and it is our mission is to provide musical training and inspire musical appreciation. For students participating in Strings programs, our aim is to foster the joy and the love of learning that often comes only from playing instruments together.

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